About Us
The company VUAB Pharma Inc. is a traditional Czech manufacturer in the field of pharmacy. It is part of a major industrial group SAFICHEM GROUP.
The current orientation of our society can be divided into three areas.
- First, it is the area of biotechnology, which is subject to the production of the active substance Nystatin, which is intended for both human and veterinary use.
- The second area is the manufacture of finished dosage forms. Portfolio comprises production of dry injections, which are used primarily in hospitals for acute operations.
- Since 2004 we develop our Brno branch of an extensive project development and production of oncological intermediates, APIs and finished dosage forms intended for oncological diseases. In the context of improving the environment, we have developed technology for recycling of products containing platinum (disposal of expired medicines, API and intermediates.
VUAB Pharma has extensive collaboration with universities and clinical centers enabling solutions to large and complex issue new, highly effective means for treatment of oncological diseases. The actual production of these substances is carried out in the factory in Brno, which also has the relevant certification entitling pharmaceutical production.
The company’s headquarters are also located development center.
The corporate headquarters is located in the beautiful valley of the River Vltava in Roztoky near Prague.

Headquarters Roztoky
Production of dry injections and Nystatin
Vltavská 53, 252 63 Roztoky
e-mail: office@vuab.cz

Subsidiary Brno
Production of oncological API Oxaliplatin, Dacarbazin
Karásek 1i, 621 00 Brno
e-mail: office@vuab.cz
VUAB Pharma Inc. ID 630 78 180, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File No. 3036th